The sun in the sky lit warmly. The pale sky settled high above. The birds flapped their wings wildly in the sky. The ThunderClan cats were lurking in the camp. Most cats were sharing tongues while the leader rested in his den quietly.
    Firestar's ginger coat glowed from the entering sunlight from the sun. Firestar settled there. He twitched his tail.
    "Hi, Firestar," the pale ginger she-cat greeted, entering the den. She blocked the sunlight from outside as she enters the spacious den.
    "Hello, Sandstorm," Firestar rasped. His voice was upset.
    "What's wrong?" Sandstorm meowed. She knew Firestar was upset She lashed her tail.
    "I'm the new leader," Firestar began. He quicky sat up, his green gaze fixing on his friend's. "Everyone keeps taunting me because I'm a kittypet. I am getting tired of all this."
    Sympathy shown in Sandstorm's eyes. "Those dumb furballs wouldn't stop you from being a great leader," she murmured softly. Her voice was gentle.
    "Yeah, right," Firestar snapped. "I wish I never came to the Clan!"
    Sandstorm opened her mouth to gasp but refused. She closed her mouth slowly and replied, "Firestar... you were the one who is the defender to ThunderClan."
    Firestar frowned at her. "What do you mean? I'm no defender!" Firestar bent down to lick his puffy chest.
    "You are. Er—I... I didn't tell you this before but Bluestar told me once StarClan gave Spottedleaf a prophecy: Fire alone saves the Clan," Sandstorm gradually explained.
    Firestar's eyes rounded into a shape of a full moon with astonishment. That is what Spottedleaf told me before! Firestar thought quickly. Firestar opened his mouth to speak, "Yeah... what about it?"
    "I was confused at first."
    "Well, I finally deciphered the prophecy."
    "What is it?"
    "Fire is you."
    "I'm not." Firestar gently shook his ginger head with protest.
    "You are; your pelt is like fire."
    Firestar twisted his neck to check his pelt. Sandstorm was right—Firestar does have a coat of flames. Firestar's eyes widened. He couldn't believe it. A soft kittypet into a great, defending warrior! Sandstorm could see Firestar's mood. Sandstorm smiled with satisfaction. "See?"
    Firestar faced Sandstorm. He twitched his ears with astonishment. "When did Bluestar tell you this?" he asked curiously.
    "Before she died... in a hunting patrol next to a gorge," Sandstorm explained sadly with agony. 
    Firestar lowered his head. He could remember the times he was with Bluestar in the hunting patrol. Now, Bluestar died and Firestar became leader. Firestar swung his tail, scattering dead leaves. He didn't speak. He sat there with immobility.
    "You'll be a great leader," Sandstorm broke in.
    "Thank you," Firestar finally responded. "But I know I will defend the Clan but I am a soft kittypet!"
    "No, you are not soft anymore. You're a great cat," Sandstorm mewed warmly. She nuzzled with Firestar.
    They didn't speak nor twitch their whiskers. Firestar fixed his gaze on Sandstorm's green, sweet eyes. Firestar knew Sandstorm was his friend, but not anymore. Firestar began to mumble, "Sandstorm..." He tried to get his voice quiet for Sandstorm not to hear. But Sandstorm already heard him.
    "Yes?" she answered.
    "Er," Firestar stammered. "I love you."
    Sandstorm relaxed her shoulders with astonishment. She twitched her tail with her big eyes rounded. She finally knew Firestar does have feelings for her. Sandstorm glanced at the ground. "Me too," she admitted.
    Firestar lifted his chin up with astonishment. S-Sandstorm loves me! Firestar thought.
    "I love you lot—more than anything," Sandstorm put in. She nuzzled Firestar gently.
    As the two cats shared tongues and nuzzled each other, Dustpelt was passing by the den. As he glanced over, he hesitated and faced the den enterance. He was amazed and stood there with emotion. I thought Sandstorm will be mine! Dustpelt thought sadly. He pelted away.
4/9/2020 07:38:31 pm

I think this is a really good story!
Please write more!


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    She loves the book Warrior Cats and started creating a Fan Fiction website. She adores creating fictional stories of her own.


    February 2013

